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SJIM Library
Library Holdings Number of Volumes : 24191 Number of Titles : 12055 E Books : 16987 Periodicals National : 46 Intl. : 15 CD – ROM : 210 Audio Cassettes : 16 Newspapers : 11 Computers : 20 |
Digital Database Prowess (CMIE) E Books |
Library Objectives
To promote the use of Library materials
To build up a comprehensive collection of books, journals, digital database
To organize the collection
To provide a prompt and efficient service to users
To disseminate information by providing current awareness services
To utilize data and information to expand their own knowledge base
To assist to get Selective Dissemination of Information
To provide information at the right time.
Library Instructions
# Personal books, Bags, folders, jackets, and eatables are not allowed inside the library
# Leave the books and Periodicals on the table after use. Don’t replace them on the shelf
# Return or Renew the books on or before the Due Date on the slip,
# Over due charges will be collected @ Rs.2 / day
# Maintain strict silence
# Don’t exchange library cards
# Any loss or damage to the books shall be made good by the user
# You are responsible for the book that is borrowed on your card
# Scan your ID card while entry and exit of the library entrance
# Photocopying and printing available in library at the cost of 50 paisa per page. Users should get coupons from the admin office by paying Rs 20/- for 40 coupons
# Suggest are welcome for good management books and for improvement of library activities